“Contrology is complete coordination of body, mind and spirit.” –Joseph Pilates

Pilates is a highly effective strengthening program that follows a precise sequence of low-impact exercises. A unique aspect of the Pilates method is that it strengthens and stretches the muscles simultaneously, which creates the signature “long, lean” look Pilates is known for. While the Pilates method strengthens the entire body, the exercises continuously engage the body’s core postural muscles—those of the abdomen, back, glutes, and hips. The result is improved posture and a longer, less compressed, healthier spine.
Pilates centers around six basic tenets: control, centering, concentration, precision, breath, and flow. It is a method of exercise that gives results to and works safely for everyone—male or female, young or old, athletic or out of shape. The Pilates method has been used by professional dancers as far back as those in George Balanchine’s troupes to maintain a strong core and to rehabilitate from injury. Dancers and professional athletes practice Pilates because its focus on core strength helps protect them from injury. Actors and models practice Pilates because it creates long, lean, non-bulky muscles. People with bad backs practice Pilates because it helps to decompress the spine and relieve their pain.
Joseph Pilates (1883–1967) began developing his method of exercise in the early 20th century. He named his method Contrology, because the exercises require mental focus to control the body. In developing his system, Pilates studied a wide variety of physical activity, including gymnastics, martial arts, dance, boxing, swimming, yoga, wrestling, and body building.
Pilates began this fifty-year process of developing Contrology during World War I, when he was interned with other German citizens in England. Noticing that the internees were becoming debilitated, he built his first piece of apparatus, known now as a reformer, out of a camp cot. According to Pilates, his initial inspiration for Contrology came from his observations of the movements and stretching of the dogs that lived in the camp.